Thursday 4 December 2008

Prop 8 - The Musical

Recently came across Prop 8 - The Musical.

The movie makes three statements I'm going to address:
1. Prop 8 is hate because it doesn't support homosexual desires.
2. Christians should obey all the laws in the Bible, including the ones in Leviticus about not eating shellfish.
3. Supporters of Prop 8 are afraid of gay marriage being taught in school.

Chrisitians should support samesex marriage because they're commanded to love?
While love your neighbor is a rule, it's second to the greatest command in the Bible: Love the Lord your God with all your heart. And in obeying that you have to obey all the commands of the Bible. 1 Corinthians 6:9 blatantly calls homosexuality unrighteous.

Well what happens when a person sins? He doesn't obey fully then, does that mean he doesn't love God? Yes and no. Yes, in that if he doesn't obey, then he chooses himself over God. But no in that his whole being isn't negated, his desires to obey are still valid even if in his sin he slips up.

So what then, doesn't God require perfection? Yes, and that's exactly why Christ died. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life." If you repent of your sins, you will be forgiven. But still, you should strive to obey.

So then you have to obey the laws about shellfish and stuff, right? The laws in Leviticus are Mosaic Law, part of the old covenant of the old testament. When Christ died for our sins, he brought "the new covenant." And "in speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away (Heb 8:13)." So no, we don't. You can find this in Hebrews 7-8.

And while those opposed poke fun at the thought of gay marriage being taught in schools, I hope they know that it actually happened. Where are the jokes about the teacher taking her class on an official field trip to her lesbian wedding?

Talking about the Constitution, and discussing what it says, that's how things should run. Instead the movie focuses on trying to manipulate the image of Christianity. If there's truth in the No on 8 campaign, then let it rest on that and not on jokes about Christians.

One more thing: The image of the marquee in the very beginning is actually a picture of my Alma Mater, Walnut High School. I thought that was pretty cool.


Sean Hudson said...

Its disturbing to see that you quote the bible as if its a proven scientific theory.

Julian Leong said...

1. This is for those who want to know what the Bible says. If you don't, then it doesn't apply to you.

2. You can't quote the Bible as "proven scientific theory" because that's a contradiction of terms.

Peter said...

Dang Julian, you're not quitting on this issue. Stay Up. Stay Stoops.


(Ps. I posted this video on my blog too. haha)

SuJ said...

though i dont agree with your position on the issue, i also dont agree with how they portray christians in that light.

who judges? who can judge? let he without sin cast the first stone. i wouldn't kno who would qualify in that position then.

to me, it's just all spiraling down.

all love i guess

miss u jurr. heh

SuJ said...

yea, still working on my patience. work in progress, as always